What a great piece of writing, Matthew. I love Courtney Barnett, but I haven't gone as deep into her music as you have. You've definitely inspired me to dive back in. But it's the writing that I so admire here. You absolutely nail the experience we've all had of being underwhelmed and disappointed by an album, only to return to it later and be thunderstruck. That paragraph about taking the "untouched and unloved" album off the shelf and then falling in love with it--ah, see, that right there, that's why we do this. Who was it that said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture? But every now and then, you manage to find the words that come close to capturing what music means to us. And that, my friend, is a good day's work. Well played, Matthew.

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Thank you so much, Graley. It's comments like yours that makes putting these thoughts together feel like a worthwhile enterprise in the first place. I'm glad this struck a chord with you, and nice to know I'm not the only one who has prematurely dismissed a work that I've later gone on to rave about! I guess we contain multitudes, too, hey?

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Gonna give it another try. But I just went and found the Neil Young cover and while it’s lovely - gorgeous - beautiful - it feels like a betrayal of who/what she was. I can just see the video with her post a Hollywood make up artist and in a $10k necklace. I’m not against any of those things per se, just feels weird and icky from her so fast. Is that song for a movie? Wish she was ‘aiming for greatness’ instead.

Anyway, will give the Things album a few more spins.

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It's for a new Neil Young tribute album, with all the proceeds going to the Bridge School. There'll be songs from Fiona Apple, Brandi Carlile, Eddie Vedder and Sharon Van Etten as well. I like hearing these detours, like her Wilco or Gillian Welch covers, but am hoping she has something new of her own soon. I think you might like bits of Things Take Time more than Tell Me How You Really Feel - at it's better moments, the writing is more reminiscent of the early stuff you prefer (just from a bit more mature an angle I guess)

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Oh she's such a talent Matthew. Thanks for sharing this. A very enjoyable read.

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Thank you, Margaret! I'm glad you thought so, and yes - totally agree. She is a delight!

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